The USDA has announced they have extended flexibilities for our lunch program which will give us the ability to serve free meals to all children until December 31, 2020, or until the congressionally appropriated funding runs out.

We have been approved to start this today, September 10, 2020!

This extension allows ALL students in our district to receive free meals regardless of their meal status during this time.

This applies to meals served to students when they are attending school in person or when they are learning virtual.

Below you will find some questions and answers to help guide you through these changes.

  • Who gets the free meals?
    • All students 18 years old or younger can receive a free breakfast and lunch every day while on site
    • All Virtual Learners & children under the age of 18 can receive a free breakfast and lunch by pre-ordering meals for daily pick up at our High School Location. The online pick up form is located on the Nutrition page of our website or you can click here –   next week’s order form will open on Friday.
  • When do free meals start?
    • All free meals (Breakfast & Lunch) will begin Thursday September 10, 2020.
  • Can I get credit for the meals I have purchased so far this school year?
    • No, we only have approval for free meals starting on September 10th
  • Can I get a refund on the money in my students account?
    • We prefer you leave your money in your child’s account. This flexibility is only available through December 31, 2020 or when funds run out.  If you leave your money in the account you will then have a positive lunch balance when it is required to go back to paid meals.
  • How will my students get their free Breakfast & lunch?
    • Our program will run as normal where the students will go through the lunch line. They will enter their student ID number or have their card scanned.  They then will be charged a meal but that cost will come up as free. This allows us to keep track of how many meals and who is eating but there will be no charge to your account.
  • Will the menu change?
    • The new flexibility requirements run under the Summer Food Service Program. Those guidelines are a little different than what is required in the National School Lunch Program. So, yes the menus have changed a little and you can find those posted on the website for your convenience.
  • Do I still need to fill out a free & reduced application?
    • Even though meals are free right now, we do ask that you fill out a free & reduced application so when meals do switch over to being paid, you will be charged per your eligibility.
  • Can my student still purchase A La Carte Items or even an extra lunch?
    • Yes, Middle School and High School students will still have the option to purchase an extra meal or a smart snack approved item but will be charged for those items. We are only allowed to give free full reimbursable meals so extra milk is not a full meal so it must be charged.
  • If I decide to still bring a cold lunch for my student, will I be charged for milk?
    • Yes, milk is not a full meal and so it is considered A La Carte and will be charged.

If you have any further questions concerning these new changes please feel free to contact Nutrition Director Billie Veach –