Welcome to your new computer!  Below are a few things of note as you go about setting your new computer up as well as technology tips for new staff.

Your computer username is your first initial followed by your last name.  I.E. Chris Bacon would be cbacon

Your email address is your username followed by @nevadacubs.org.  I.E. cbacon@nevadacubs.org

The temporary password to your computer is nevadacubs . Please change it as soon as you are able.  If you need assistance, you can follow this link to learn how to change it.

Tips for New Staff

If you close this window and want the resources again, don’t worry!  You can access them anytime at http://www.nevadacubs.org/departments/technology/new-computer/ so save that link!

Checking your email

From any internet-connected computer:

  1. Open up an internet browser (Chrome,Firefox, Safari, etc.)
  2. In the address bar, go to http://mail.google.com
  3. Log in using the full email address and password as directed above
    1. You will be prompted to change your password the first time you log in

Submitting Technology Support Requests

Phone Information

Self Service

Email Mailing List Information

Technology Resources

For general technology questions, purchase inquiries, or if you’re not sure who to contact, please contact the Director of Technology Joe Wakeman jwakeman@nevadacubs.org.

For technology integration or curricular questions, please contact the Technology Integration Specialist Carrie Hillman chillman@nevadacubs.org.

For EMERGENCY technology help (problem stops classroom activity), please dial extension 601 to call the emergency tech helpdesk.

High School & Middle School 1:1 – when kids have issues, please send them to the Middle School ideaLAB (makerspace – room 14).