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Serving on the Board is an honor and privilege.  Its rewards are respect from the community, students, and employees and the satisfaction from knowing each Board member contributed to the success of the children in the District.  Only those who are willing to put forth the effort to care and to make a difference should consider running for a position on the Board.

Individuals who are willing to serve on the Board should believe public education is important, support the democratic process, be willing to devote time and energy to Board work, respect educators and have the ability to examine the facts and make a decision.  The Board believes an individual considering a position on the Board should possess these characteristics.

Citizens wanting to run for a position on the Board must be a citizen of the District, an eligible elector of the District and free from a financial conflict of interest with the position.

Legal Reference:

Iowa Code §§ 63; 68B; 277.4, .27; 279.7A (2003).

Cross Reference:

201 Board of Directors’ Elections

202.4 Vacancies

203 Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest

Approved: May 4, 1990

Reviewed: February 1, 2021

Revised: September 10, 2012