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The Board recognizes that the general objections of post‐high school and adult education programs will be the same as those of other levels of public education.  These general objectives include the preparation of individuals for democratic citizenship, providing individuals with means for economic improvement and cultural development, and the enrichment of the personal lives of all the participating individuals.  The post‐high school and adult education programs may be administered.  The physical facilities of the District may be made available for use in these programs when there is no conflict with regular school activities.

The district will ensure that students in grades eleven and twelve who express interest in postsecondary education will be provided with basic information to assist in their decision-making.
This information includes but may not be limited to:

  • A link to the annual report published by the State Board of Regents pursuant to Iowa Code 262.9(38); and
  • a link to the Iowa Student Outcomes internet site maintained by the Department of Education.

Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 279

Approved: July 1, 1989

Reviewed: July 15, 2024

Revised: July 15, 2024