All student participants must be:

  • Under 20 years of age; and
  • Enrolled students of the District in good standing.  They will receive credit in at least four subjects, each of one period or “hour” or the equivalent thereof, at all times.  To qualify under this rule, a “subject” must meet the requirements of Iowa Department of Education’s General Accreditation Standards in Iowa Administrative Code 281, Chapter 12.   Coursework taken from a postsecondary institution and for which the District grants academic credit toward high school graduation will be used in determining eligibility.  No student will be denied eligibility if the student’s school program deviates from the traditional two‐semester school year.
    • Each participant will be passing all coursework for which credit is given and will be making adequate progress toward graduation requirements at the end of each grading period.  Grading period, graduation requirements, and any interim periods of ineligibility are determined by local policy.  For purposes of this policy, “grading period” will mean the period of time at the end of which a student in grades 9 through 12 receives a final grade and course credit is awarded for passing grades.
    • If at the end of any grading period a participant is given a failing grade in any course for which credit is awarded, the participant is ineligible to dress for and compete in the next occurring interscholastic athletic contests and competitions in which the participant is a participant for 30 consecutive calendar days.

A student with a disability who has an individualized education program will not be denied eligibility on the basis of scholarship if the student is making adequate progress, as determined by school officials, towards the goals and objectives on the student’s individualized education program. If there is little or no relationship between an IEP goal and the course failed, the student is not eligible.

A student who meets all other qualifications may be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for a maximum of eight consecutive semesters upon entering the ninth grade for the first time.  However, a student who engages in athletics during the summer following eighth grade is also eligible to compete during the summer following twelfth grade.  Extenuating circumstances such as health may be the basis for an appeal to the executive board, which may extend the eligibility of a student when the executive board finds that the interest of the student and interscholastic athletics will be benefited.

The District will provide appropriate interventions and necessary academic support for students who fail, and will report to the Iowa Department of Education regarding those interventions on the comprehensive school improvement plan.

A student is academically eligible upon entering the ninth grade.

A student is not eligible to participate in an interscholastic sport if the student has, in that same sport, participated in a contest with or against, or trained with, a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), or other collegiate governing organization’s sanctioned team.   A student may not participate with or against high school graduates if the graduates represent a collegiate institution or if the event is sanctioned or sponsored by a collegiate institution.   Nothing in this policy will preclude a student from participating in a one‐time tryout with or against members of a college team with permission from the District’s administration and the respective collegiate institution’s athletic administration.

No student will be eligible to participate in any given interscholastic athletic sport if the student has engaged in that sport professionally.

The superintendent, with the approval of the Board, may give permission to a dropout student to participate in athletics upon return to school if the student is otherwise eligible under these rules.

Remediation of a failing grade by way of summer school or other means will not affect the student’s ineligibility.  All failing grades will be reported to any school to which the student transfers.

“Compete” means participating in an interscholastic contest or competition, and includes dressing in full team uniform for the interscholastic contest or competition, as well as participating in pre‐game warm‐up exercises with team members.  “Compete” does not include any managerial, record‐keeping, or other non‐competitor functions performed by a student on behalf of the District.

The District will not allow any student, including any transfer student, to compete until such time as the District has reasonably reliable proof that the student is eligible to compete for the District under these rules.

In the absence of Department of Education and state association guidelines and stipulations  (i.e. but not limited to FFA, instrumental and vocal music, drama, speech, student council, public performances at graduation ceremony, all co‐curricular clubs, all star contests and all state performances, state contests and all state performances for cheerleading and drill team, mock trial, academic decathlon, and homecoming court and coronation), any student not passing all subjects at the end of the grading period will be declared ineligible to compete/participate the   following term for thirty consecutive school days beginning with the finding of academic ineligibility. A student who is participating in athletics and other co-curricular activities will serve both guidelines for ineligibility.

Marks of incomplete will be assigned a letter grade by the classroom teacher following a period of one week. During this period, the student is academically ineligible, and is applied as part of the student’s 30-day ineligibility.  This period may be administratively amended based on medical conditions, family emergencies, and other extenuating circumstances.

Cross Reference:

503.7 Middle School Academic Eligibility

Approved: July 10, 2006

Reviewed: June 17, 2024

Revised: February 15, 2021