
Students of the Nevada Community School District (“District”) are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities so that they might gain from the positive educational benefits of participation in these activities. Participation helps students to learn the principles of fair play and sportsmanship, respect for others, rules and authority, enhances physical health and well-being, the development of leadership, group pride, teamwork, self-confidence, discipline and the value of self-sacrifice. Students who participate in activities represent our school to the community and their conduct is one factor by which our school is judged. Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in school activities must conduct themselves in accordance with the Board’s Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Policy throughout the year. This Extracurricular Code of Conduct Policy is in force twelve months a year both on and off school property.


This policy covers any activity where a student represents the school outside the classroom including, but not limited to, the following: FFA, student government, athletics, extra-curricular (non-graded) instrumental and vocal music performances,, drama productions, speech contests, public performances which may include graduation ceremony, all-star contest and all-state performances, state contest, cheerleading, drill team, mock trial, academic decathlon, and homecoming court & coronation.


It will be a violation of the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Policy for a student to commit any of the following acts:

  • The commission of a crime under any governmental law or ordinance regardless of whether or not the student was cited, arrested, convicted, or adjudicated for the act(s) except laws and ordinances regulating the use of motor vehicles under which a violation is classified as a simple misdemeanor and does not involve controlled substance as defined in Chapter 124 of the Code of Iowa, or any “look-alike” substances.
  • The use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution or purchase of tobacco products, alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer, any controlled substance as defined in Chapter 124 of the Code of Iowa, or any “look-alike” substance.
  • Repeated violations or serious violations of any written rule or regulation adopted by the Board of Education of the District.

Administrative Determination

A student is said to be in violation of the Code of Conduct rule when:

  • The administration believes it is more likely than not that the student violated to Code of Conduct.
  • The student is found guilty in a court of law.
  • A staff member witnesses a student breaking the guidelines.

The student will be given notice of which rule they are accused of violating and the basis of that charge. After such notice, the student will be given an opportunity to explain his/her actions to the school administrator prior to any determination of a violation by the administrator.

Notice to Student

The school administrator, upon making a determination that a student has violated this Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Policy, will promptly mail or deliver to the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) a written notice of the violation and describing the consequence to be imposed upon the student for the violation and the effective date on which such a consequence will commence.


The student, parent(s) or guardian(s) may appeal an administrative determination to the superintendent that a student has violated this Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Policy. The appeal must be in writing and received in the Superintendent’s Office within three (3) calendar days of being notified of the violation. The superintendent will render his or her decision either upholding, modifying, or reversing the administrative decision within three (3) business days of receipt of the appeal in the Superintendent’s Office and said decision will be immediately mailed to the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) (and to the student if the student is at least 18 years of age). The student, parent(s) or guardian(s) may appeal the superintendent’s decision by submitting his or her request in writing to the Nevada Board of Education within three (3) calendar days of being notified of the superintendent’s decision, and at least 24 hours prior to the time of the next Board meeting. The review by the Board will be in closed session unless the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) (or the student, if the student is at least 18 years of age) requests an open session in writing. The grounds for review by the Board are limited to the following:

  • The student did not violate the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Policy;
  • The student was given inadequate due process in the investigation and determination; or
  • The penalty is in violation of the Handbook Rule or Board Policy.

Any penalty for violation of this Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Policy will remain in effect pending the Board’s decision.

If the Board reverses or modifies the decision of the administration, the student shall be immediately eligible, as determined by the Board in its ruling, and the record of the ineligibility period and violation shall be deleted or amended in the student’s school record as applicable.

Any submission in writing that is subject to a time period in this policy will be presumed to have been submitted in a timely manner to the appropriate administrative office if it is mailed and bears a postmark from the United States Post Office that is dated within the applicable time period. Any submission not bearing a postmark from the United States Post Office will be timely only if actually received by the applicable administrative office within the stated time period during the hours that said office is open for regular business. The date of receipt of any submission, whether delivered by mail or otherwise, will be noted on each submission by the staff of the applicable administrative office.


When the administration believes it is more likely than not that the student violated Code of Conduct Rule, during the school year or summer, the student is subject to a loss of eligibility as charted below. Note: A calendar date is defined as an actual date a given event(s) occurs. Should an event span multiple dates, exceeding dates for the assigned consequence, discretion may be applied.

Activity 1st Offense
10 hours of community service
2nd Offense
20 hours of community service
3rd (or more) Offense
Football 3 calendar dates 6 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Cross Country 3 calendar dates 6 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Volleyball 5 calendar dates 10 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Basketball 7 calendar dates 14 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Wrestling 5 calendar dates 10 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Soccer 6 calendar dates 12 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Track 4 calendar dates 8 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Golf 4 calendar dates 8 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Baseball 8 calendar dates 16 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Softball  8 calendar dates 16 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
3 calendar dates
3 calendar dates
3 calendar dates
6 calendar dates
6 calendar dates
6 calendar dates
365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
State Competition
1 calendar date
3 calendar dates
7 calendar dates
5 calendar dates
2 calendar date
6 calendar dates
14 calendar dates
10 calendar dates
365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Middle School Activities 1/3 calendar dates 2/3 calendar dates 365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred
Other Activities
     Color Guard
     Extra Curricular Music
 1 calendar date  2 calendar dates  365 days from the date of determination a violation has occurred

Please note

When a middle school student gains eligibility for high school events, all previous offenses are forgiven. High school offenses are cumulative.

  1. Any student participating in multiple extra curricular activities at the same time will serve the consequence time for violating the Code of Conduct policy that reflects the higher number of calendar dates. If a student is not able to complete the required number of events in a given season, the consequences carry over to the next immediate calendar event(s). For example, a student participating in football and drama at the same time, and commits his or her 1st Code of Conduct violation, will be required to miss all extra curricular activities until 3 calendar football dates have passed.
  2. The period of ineligibility attaches immediately upon a violation if the student is eligible for and currently engaged in an extracurricular activity. If the ineligibility is not completed during the current activity, ineligibility carries over to the time the students seeks to go out for the next activity or contest.
  3. An ineligible student shall attend all practices or rehearsals but may not “suit up” or perform/participate, and must complete the entire season.
  4. A student cannot join an activity after the first official sign up date or practice for the purpose of working off ineligibility. If the student drops out of an activity prior to the completion of the given activity’s season, the full penalty or remainder of the penalty, at the administrator’s discretion, will attach when the student next seeks to go out for an activity, subject to the 12 month limitation above.
  5. If a penalty is not able to be fully served in a particular activity and must be carried over to the next activity, the percentage of the penalty not completed will be applied according to the new activity.
  6. If a student violates the Code of Conduct while ineligible due to an earlier violation, the penalty for the subsequent offense will attach at the completion of the earlier penalty. For example, if a student is only able to serve two of the three football dates due to the end of the season, one third of the penalty would be remaining for the next activity. Should that student go out for basketball, the student would serve one third of the basketball penalty.
    1. Fractions are rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, 2.4 dates will be rounded down to 2; 2.5 dates will be rounded up to 3.

Felony Charges

Suspension from all extra-curricular programs until the case is adjudicated.  A guilty charge or a plea to a lesser charge may result in dismissal from extra-curricular programs.

Reduction/Increase in Penalty

  1. Evaluation and Treatment: A student who has a second violation of the alcohol or drug provision of the Code of Conduct may elect to seek an evaluation and, if recommended, treatment from a recognized substance abuse facility at the students or student’s family’s expense. If the student seeks the evaluation and agrees to waive confidentiality to allow the evaluating facility to report back to school administration recommendations for treatment or follow-up care, the student’s penalty for the second violation may be reduced by half. This reduction is not available for the first or third violation.
  2. If it is determined that the student misleads or has not been truthful during the investigation of a violation, the penalty may be doubled.
  3. A penalty of one calendar date may not be reduced.

Approved: June 14, 2006

Reviewed: June 17, 2024

Revised: March 20, 2023