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The Board expects all Board members, employees, volunteers, consultants, vendors, contractors, students and other parties maintaining any relationship with the District to act with integrity, due diligence, and in accordance with all laws in their duties involving the District’s resources.  The Board is entrusted with public dollars and no one connected with the District should do anything to erode that trust.

Internal control is the responsibility of all employees of the District. The superintendent, Business Manager/Board Secretary will be responsible for developing internal controls designed to prevent and detect fraud, financial impropriety, or fiscal irregularities within the District subject to review and approval by the Board.  Administrators will be alert for any indication of fraud, financial impropriety, or irregularity within the administrator’s area of responsibility.

Any employee who suspects fraud, impropriety, or irregularity will report their suspicions immediately to his/her immediate supervisor, or the superintendent.  The superintendent will have primary responsibility for any necessary investigations and will coordinate investigative efforts with the Board’s legal counsel, auditing firm, and other internal or external departments and agencies, including law enforcement officials, as the superintendent may deem appropriate.

Employees bringing forth a legitimate concern about a potential impropriety will not be retaliated against and those who do retaliate against such an employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, discharge.

In the event the concern or complaint involves the superintendent, the concern will be brought to the attention of the Board Vice‐President who will be empowered to contact the Board’s legal counsel, insurance agent, auditing firm, and any other agency to investigate the concern or complaint.

Upon approval of the Board, the superintendent may contact the State Auditor or elect to employ the District’s auditing firm or State Auditor to conduct a complete or partial forensic/internal control/SAS99 audit annually or otherwise as often as deemed necessary.  The superintendent is authorized to order a complete forensic audit if, in the superintendent’s judgment, such an audit would be useful and beneficial to the District.  The superintendent will ensure the State Auditor is notified of any suspected embezzlement or theft pursuant to Iowa law.  In the event, there is an investigation, records will be maintained for use in the investigation.  Individuals found to have altered or destroyed records will be subject to disciplinary action, up to, and including termination.

Approved: February 13, 2011


Revised: June 12, 2017