Student fundraising can enhance a student’s educational experience; but it must not be at the expense of the safety and education of the district’s students.  The following are additional regulations to assist the administration in developing procedures necessary for successful fundraising efforts.


  • Students will not be asked to solicit door to door.
  • Students who do not wish to engage in fundraising efforts will be provided an alternative community service option to apply toward credit of funds raised. The alternative option will not be unduly burdensome or onerous when compared to the fundraising activity.

Fiscal Responsibility

  • All funds generated due to a student fund raising activity will be deposited into the district’s student activity funds, pursuant to applicable laws and board policies.
  • Funds raised for a participatory student activity will be equally applied to all students regardless of their participation in fundraising efforts.
  • All funds generated from district sponsored student fundraising efforts will be deposited in the student activity fund.
  • All funds generated from non-district sponsored student fundraising efforts will be deposited into an agency fund designated by the board for such purpose.
  • No school district employee or other individual affiliated with the district may deposit student fund raising funds into any other account.
  • All funds received from student fundraising are the property of the district.


  • Any student fundraising activity which utilizes the district name, likeness and/or logo will be subject to board approval, and all other conditions of this policy and accompanying regulations.