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  1. Individual Education Plan (IEP):  All special education services of an instructional nature provided to a student will be based on a written IEP.  Each plan shall include:
    1. A statement of the student’s present level of educational and functional performance, including how the student’s disability affects the student’s involvement and progress in the general education curriculum.
    2. A statement of measurable annual goals including academic and functional goals designed to:  (a) meet the student’s needs that result from the student’s disability to enable the student to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum; and (b) meet each of the student’s other educational needs that result from the student’s disability.
    3. A description of:  (a) how the student’s progress toward meeting the annual goals will be measured; (b) when periodic reports on the progress the student is making toward meeting the annual goals will be provided; and (c) additional meetings will be called if a student meets/exceeds their goal or the student’s rate of progress declines.
    4. A statement indicating specifically which special education and related services will be provided the student.
    5. A specific indication of the extent to which the student with disabilities will not participate in the regular education program.
    6. A statement of any individual appropriate accommodations that are necessary to measure the academic achievement and functional performance of the student on State and District‐wide assessments.
    7. A projection of the date for the beginning of services and the anticipated frequency, location, and duration of services.

      The IEP is considered critical to the provision of special education services.  As such, the following guidelines are adopted

      • If appropriate, there is an IEP for each student referred to/placed in a private facility by the District.
      • If appropriate, there is an IEP for each student with disabilities enrolled in a private school and receiving special education and/or related services from the District.
      • An IEP is in effect at the beginning of each school year for each student with disabilities receiving special education.
      • An IEP is in effect prior to provision of special education and related services.
      • For a newly identified student, a meeting for developing the IEP is held within 60 calendar days of the identification and receipt of a signed parental consent to evaluate.
      • A meeting for review and possible revision of the IEP is held at least once a year.
      • Parent participation is assured by insuring timely notification and a convenient location and time. Parent participation will be documented. Documentation of parent notification of content of IEP and the parental rights brochure will be assured in those cases where parents do not participate in IEP meetings.
      • Other participants in IEP meetings include:  a representative of the public agency who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of special education and can allocate special education funds, the student’s general education and special education teachers, evaluation personnel if appropriate, the student when appropriate, and others at the discretion of the parent, District or AEA.  (AEA staff are required participants for all initial IEPs and all re‐evaluations.)
  2. Transportation:  Resident students qualifying for special education classes and assigned to a school approved by the Iowa Department of Education in another school district will be provided transportation.  When transportation by school bus or District van is impractical, the Board may request the parents or guardians to transport their students to the school designated for attendance.  The parent or guardian will be reimbursed for such transportation as designated by statute.
  3. Documentation:  Each special education support and instructional staff member providing direct instructional or support services to any student with disabilities will be responsible for preparing an IEP via the web IEP system provided by the State.  All implemented/final IEPs will be copied and maintained in the District’s student records.  Copies of the final/implemented IEPs will be made by the District and sent to the parent.  Electronic documents will be maintained on the statewide Web IEP.